Wickersley Northfield Primary School

Religious Education at Wickersley Northfield

Religious Education Statement of Intent 

It is our intention that all pupils at Wickersley Northfield Primary School be offered a broad, rich curriculum to enable them to explore religions, their community and personal development and wellbeing.  The intent is to ensure children understand religion's relevance in today's modern world and how it affects our lives.  RE lessons will be delivered in all year groups to aid spiritual, moral, cultural and mental development and prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. 

The Year 5s were visited by Pastor Wayne to learn more about how Christians use their holy text, the Bible.  

In Year 1, children had a fantastic visit from Pastor Wayne and Karen. They got to unwrap presents to find out the meaning behind Christingle. They then lit the wonderful Christingles they had made earlier in the week. A wonderful way to head into advent!


Religious Education Progression and Planning 

Click here for RE Progression Overview 

Religious Education Progression Document WS .pdf

Year 6 have been brainstorming the different charities they know before looking at the work of Islamic and Christian charities.