Wellbeing for Pupils
Welcome to your Mental Health and Wellbeing page!
What is Mental Health?
Mental health is about our thoughts, feelings
and emotions as we live our lives every day. Mental health is the health of our mind.
Our mental health can change how we feel,
how we behave and the choices we make.
Everyone has mental health!
Keeping our bodies healthy helps to improve our mental health.
Keeping our minds healthy helps to improve our physical health.
Don't forget! Team Empower are here to help!
Poppy, Amelia, Hallie, Izzie and Liyah are are fully trained Mini Mental Health Medics. If you need any help you can turn to them.
Don't forget! You have a worry box in your classroom - there will always be someone to talk to about your worries.
Whenever our feelings are getting too big to cope with on our own, talking to someone we trust can really help.
Think about what we do when we are feeling sick or we hurt ourselves. What do we do? We will probably tell someone we know and go and get it checked by a doctor.
Like our physical health problems, we need to treat our mental health problems in the same way.
Websites that can help you:
NHS : www.nhs.uk/mental-health
Young Minds : www.youngminds.org.uk
Mind : www.mind.org.uk
These services offer free, private support from trained volunteers. You can
talk about anything that is troubling you.
Call: 0800 1111
Visit: www.childline.org.uk
Call: 116 123
Visit: www.samaritans.org
Text: “SHOUT” to 85258
Visit: www.giveusashout.org